The Book

CreatingWealthBookCoverCREATING WEALTH THROUGH SELF-STORAGE delivers a proven, step by step strategy on how to find, analyze, and acquire self-storage facilities in this competitive market. It walks you through every step involved in analyzing a self-storage facility so that you can purchase it at the price needed to execute your self storage business plan.

All of my materials have information valuable to both those getting started in the industry, as well as experienced owners looking to improve and expand their operations. Whether you’re purchasing your first self-storage facility, building your first self-storage facility, or growing your already existing self-storage business, this site is for you!

I’ll shows you the step by step way I was able to create a large, profitable self-storage portfolio with limited resources. If I can do it, anyone can! What is needed is knowledge, tools, and a plan to create a portfolio that generates monthly cash flow and long term wealth. Each month, your net worth grows and your cash flow increases.

The book CREATING WEALTH THROUGH SELF-STORAGE, also shows you how to use the self-storage financial analysis program called THE STORAGE WORLD ANALYZER. This program was designed and developed based on my years of self storage acquisition, and is the best financial analysis tool in the business for analyzing and predicting cash flows.

It all started with a phone call in the mid 1990’s and has lead to the creation of a large and valuable self-storage portfolio. Learn from my mistakes and successes, and use the knowledge and tools I use to find, build, analyze and create wealth through self storage.